Friday, April 1, 2011

Free Ice Cream at Ben & Jerry's April 12

an ice cream cone aloft - free ice creamFree ice cream day at Ben & Jerry's is coming up! Mark your calenders for April 12, 2011 and be sure to stop by your nearest Ben & Jerry's for a free ice cream scoop between noon and 8 p.m. A promo page for the free ice cream day is on Facebook but you don't have to have a coupon or be on Facebook to take advantage of this freebie.

Sadly, I have not been able to take advantage of free ice cream day at Ben & Jerry's for a few years, but when I did way back when, I received a free full size scoop of my flavor of choice. That's one hot freebie!

Caveats: Check the free ice cream hours at your local store as they may vary. No purchase necessary.

Check back later today and through the week for more free stuff at WalletPop.

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